Saturday, 12 October 2019

Men, you’ll never be that attractive, but it may not matter.

..."In fact, some evolutionary psychologists have argued that throughout human history, dominance has been more important than attractiveness for men’s mating success."...

So this attractive notion the West has created, men have bought into the lie...
The aim isn't to be attractive (although it's not discouraged) it's to show dominance, give the impression or perception (not necessarily actual dominance)
Let's call it 'signaling'.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Lazy pun

I just wondered, if there are any verbs for lazy people...

Think about it...

Are people attacking you? How?

When someone attacks the process instead of the substance of an argument, you know you are in the right, or at least more right than the attacker.

Next level - when someone attacks instead of holds their position, it means you're probably on the correct path.

Next level again - when the attacker asks all the questions, difficult questions which may or may not be related. Questions are powerful, they control the situation. The more words the defender has to say against these kind of attacking questions, the more guilty the defender seem.

When something is wrong but seem like you made it up

We remember feelings, vibes and the 'spirit' of prior events, but it's really difficult to remember and hold onto details. That's why it seems like we're just throwing out wild accusations when trying to communicate with someone an issue from the past without 'hard evidence'.

Want to be liked by everyone?

Lower others anxiety and pay attention.

What's the problem? Fastest way to figure it out

Figure out the problem the fastest by asking this question...
"What would you like me to be sorry about?"

What's the point?

What's the point?

The point is the point.

How often do we just do, always ask yourself, what is the actual point of this?  What's this things objective? Why do this? What's that outcome which got this going?
What's the point?

Don't forget the point of something.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Talking to girls: be nice, not creepy

Instead of saying 'I like your earrings', say 'those are cool hoop earrings'.

It's less about her and her choice (a comment on her) and more about 'it' and it's value (a comment on something you have in common - both thinking it's cool enough to wear and cool enough to comment).

Monday, 7 October 2019

Your dark side walks beside you

Get to know you're own shadow. Whether you like it or not, you'll be traveling together forever.

Friday, 4 October 2019

I forgot to remember again.

Why are some things which are so important (and you know it) so forgettable?

Not paying attention enough?

Pay attention
Pay attention
Pay attention
Pay attention
Pay attention
Pay attention

You don't want authentic.

People say they want 'authentic'. I think we mean 'immersive'.
Authentic is more boring and troublesome than you think, select authentic is what we're after, which creates immersion.