Thursday, 29 October 2015
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Go Away, Come Back, Go Away, Come Back
Maybe you've wanted a relationship for so long, but once you pretty much have one, do really want it anymore?
That's not as crazy as it sounds... Most of us would rather be unhappy than uncertain... The world we know - as painful as is - is familiar, comfertable and safe - you may not be happy with it but uncertainty is terrifying, it's probably been a while since a relationship truly made you feel happy (for some that's never)... It's putting your hand on the hot plate, you get burned and you either have to be incredibly brave or incredibly stupid to do it over and over again... The crazy thing about love is, sometimes it doesn't burn, it feels good and makes you happy... Risk verses reward. It's a gamble, only you can decide if it's worth it or not.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Being Right
Am I right because I convinced them I'm right, or am I actually right? ... Does it matter? Should it matter?
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Do Ignorant People Know They Are Ignorant?
I read one of those quotes or lessons in the form of a picture/infograph and it said
produced by Mental Health Awareness Australia
I like this, but I don't know if the last point is true...
Ignorance definition: lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
And judging definition: form an opinion or conclusion about
You can't choose your 'development guardians', the teaching and experiences they provide is what's known as conditioning. It's like the Stephen Fry intelligence sliding scale... If you ask someone if they are intelligent, an unintelligent person will say yes while an intelligent person has the intelligence to know how little they know and will answer no. How do you know what you don't know? What's my point?
I don't think a lot of people do choose to be ignorant, because they don't know they are, if they knew, it's not ignorance, isn't it implied by the meaning "not knowing" and judging is exactly what every human being does, by definition, 'form an opinion or conclusion about...' when and how did any of us get to the opinions or conclusions we have? Yes of course they have more of the possibility of opportunity to choose, than the more 'hard-wired descriptions' (race etc) but a choice is only in existence when there is multiple possibilities and that can only exist if recognised. So if you can't recognise because of genetics (intelligence/chemical make up), cultural or social reinforcements and especially conditioning, then isn't it possible that there is no capacity for choice for SOME people especially if never had the opportunity to be taught by someone who can speak their 'language'?
Maybe the choice is not with them, but with us? If we stop to ask why is someone 'ignorant' when it seems so obvious to us (and others) than as the knowing ones, isn't it our responsibility to educate? It would be a laughable notion that the student tells the teacher what they will learn, yet I feel like that's what we are asking 'ignorant' people to do "you should get educated" we say. If we think that they should do as we do, take our word for it and not give them a reason to change, aren't we just as 'ignorant' as them? Find a way to get to know why they came to the conclusions they did and find out their fears, their motivations, their knowledge of what they do and don't know, their identity might have been chosen for them a long time ago. There's plenty of things we think we know and stay with that until presented with new information, time, a new feeling, abstract proof, major event or just sheer persistence and reinforcements... Because how do we know what we don't know? ... You know :-p
If anyone disagrees, that's OK, I'd like to get to understand your point of view because you might teach me something I didn't know or didn't consider :-)
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Men Vs Women, where both are winners!
we need to teach our sons the difference between:
a woman who compromises him and a woman who will compromise with him
a woman who will stand on him and a woman who will stand with him
a woman in need of a parent and woman in need of a partner
a woman who expects everything from him and a woman who respects everything about him
Then we need to teach our daughter's to be that women.
Men V Women.
How to tell when it's a fair point? Reverse the genders... If the advice is both true and powerful regardless of if it's directed at male or female... It is not about gender, rather about humanity
The difference between collective and individual.
A man rapping a women is an individual action, the attitude towards it is collective.
A women belittles a man to the point of suicide is individual action, our response is collective. Both are important, but to swap is deadly
A man who raped a women turning into a collective is men can't be trusted, all are potential rapists... Then a man defends that he and others like him are a good guy with the swap, he is now and individual which means he holds no weight or authority only making him and his kind more guilty.
We may never get rid of individuals actions, but our goal as a collective is to be surprised about male / female inequality, to be surprised when a man does something to a women (or the other way round) that we are surprised and shocked that a women got attacked at night in a park by herself... Let's be surprised as a collective that a man does something bad against a women.
Therapy Explained In One Paragraph
We don't go to therapy because you are weak, you go because you are strong.
What's the difference if you talk about it or not?
We vary rarely think in linear but to talk forces us to give the thought a beginning middle and an end. This makes as feel more control, less fearful and makes the problem seem like less of a big deal because it is graspable. Imagine you see something in the dark, it has a shape, a presence, it freaks you out - why does it freak you out? Because there are an infinite amount of possibilities including many threatening and dangerous possibilities... Turn the light on... It's a cat. By shining a light on a million possibilities it sometimes becomes very obvious very quickly. Therapy shines a light on things inside your own mind, giving you a chance to see something that may not have been obvious before, lost in the darkness of swirling thoughts and feelings... The best thing is, it's not the therapist that shines the light on these things, but you, they just help you find the light switch.
Friday, 2 October 2015
How To Worry Productively
Why do we worry? Is it to try and plan and anticipate a situation?
You can either plan, or you have enough experience not to, both make you equipped for the pending situation. This is why we worry, it's our way of 'planning' for up and coming events. But what if you're already prepared, what if you already know what to do but you don't know it? What if you can't actually plan for the event your anticipate and you're already prepared as much as you can be. What if the best strategy is to deal with something in the moment because you have enough experience to handle it better than any 'preparation' could do?