Monday, 10 August 2015

The drug we all crave

Can the drug we call love be just like any other drug? ...  Even though reality could be pretty bad,  this feeling can make it seem like everything is OK,  or that pain isn't painful,  just no big deal...  But once you crash,  you crash hard!
Be careful of your dosage and what you decide while on it.

"Love is" You will never hear this said at a wedding.

June 1 2013

Facebook Post...

Love is in a hurry, love is cruel. It is jealous, it always compares, it is selfish. It violates, it is attention-seeking, it is easily angered, it keeps record of wrongs. Love  delights in control, rejoices in manipulation and fueled by dependence. It gets abusive, always doubts, always worries, always hanging by a moment.Love fails. Love destroys Love panics, love is our captor.

Love reminds us of how imperfect we are, how out of control, how vulnerable and insecure we are.
Out of pain comes strength, out of suffering comes resilience, out of hardship comes growth. No one can escape loves clutches - it's what we all have in common, it's what unites us, makes us human... Makes us humanity.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Sexual Passion Forever

If being in the moment is the key to happiness,  then maybe that's why we like novel or new experiences - the situation demands our undivided attention, we almost don't have a choice.
Maybe that's why the passion goes out of relationships over time...  At the start the situation demands all of ourself, but it doesn't as time goes on... 
STOP LOOK LISTEN SMELL... get back into the now, be in the now,  enjoy the now.

Sunday, 2 August 2015


hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.

William Hutchison Murray

A less aggressive,  more elegant way to say what Shia LaBeouf said.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

When the person we're attracted to becomes unattractive

My thoughts on this article about how a married man stopped being attracted to his wife as she gained weight.

First of all ladies,  this must be a terrible feeling and a major fear! I personally have had this happen to me,  not once,  but twice in my longest relationships...  They loved me but didn't find me attractive as time went on, they both literally said the words "I'm not attracted to you anymore"...  I'm old enough to know better now but when I was younger I just knew there were major problems with physical intimacy for a while leading up to it...
So here's the question...
Do we choose our family based on attraction? absolutely not,  what about friend work colleagues?  unconsciously maybe but probably not...  How bout just your friends,  or best friends? I'm guessing no. What do all of these have in common? You don't have to be attracted to them to have a good relationship,  but you do need to be attracted to them in a large way to desire physical passion. We're all attracted to different things and we can't fake it when we're not,  but that doesn't mean we don't love them...  It's complicated and really only the two individuals can come to a  decision on how to move forward. With me,  it meant the end of the relationship even though at the time I didn't want them to.

Final thoughts,  becoming unattractive is much more complicated than someone gaining weight,  rather its the personality of the person that starts to see themselves differently as they gain weight... Our outsides have a way of giving us a gimps what's on the inside - weight gain is one of many indicators that something is wrong, but not always... 
Most importantly, be the best you you can be for you,  regardless of size or the opinion of others.