Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Love Is Not All You Need!!!!!!

Someone who has depression can’t function with someone who is anxious
Someone who has anxiety can’t function with someone who is depressed
Someone who is attached can’t be happy with someone who is detached
Someone who is detached can’t be happy with someone who is attached
Someone who is intense will struggle to relate with someone who is chilled
Someone who is chilled will struggle to relate with someone who is intense
Someone who wants to hide away can't be with someone who wants to be seen
Someone who wants to be seen can't be with someone who wants to hide away
Someone who works this way, will cause quarrels with someone who works that way
Someone who works that way, will cause quarrels with someone who works this way
Someone who likes action and adventure will clash with someone who likes peace and routine
Someone who likes peace and routine will clash with someone who likes action and adventure
Someone who values deep thinking can’t be content with someone who values care free
Someone who values care free can’t be content with someone who values deep thinking
Someone who has a life map planned to go east, can’t travel with someone who plans to go West
Someone who has a life map planned to go west, can’t travel with someone who plans to go East
Someone who wants to just be, can’t exist with someone who just wants to be somewhere else
Someone who wants to be somewhere else can’t exist with someone who just wants to be
Someone who needs to fly in the sky will not find delight travelling underground
Someone who needs to dig underground will not find delight flying in the sky
Someone who speaks this language can’t speak to someone with that language
Someone who speaks that language can’t speak this language
Someone who believes this is how you should live, can’t live with someone who believes this is how you shouldn't live
Someone who believes this is how you shouldn't live can’t live with someone who believes this is how you should
Someone who finds pleasure in pleasure can’t indulge with someone who doesn't find pleasure in pleasure
Someone who doesn't find pleasure in pleasure can’t indulge with someone who finds pleasure in pleasure
Someone who values security externally will not feel secure with someone who values internal security
Someone who values internal security will not feel secure with someone who values external security.

Someone who believes their love is enough can't be with someone who believes love is not all you need.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

When it's healthy to give up

It's said that we stay way too long,  the sunk cost fallacy theory,  where the fear of change is greater than the pain of remaining the same...  It takes a very strong and brave person to walk away when the facts are very clear, but the emotions are high.  Usually it's the other person's issues... You may 'trigger' the issues like when you say "nice day!" and they reply "what's so nice about it" and then spirals from there,  but it's important to remember we didn't 'cause' it as much as you on the inside or they out loud might want you to believe.  You may hurt them by doing what's best for you,  but you are harming yourself by not... We hurt a puppy by giving it a needle to save its life but we are not harming it...  Kicking it is harming.  I don't pretend to know you,  but I'm so proud of you! If that list is how you feel,  then it is fact,  and you have done something about that...  This is a big deal and your life will be much better in the long run because of it!

You've done the right thing!

Why we have no idea why

How do you know what you don't know? How can you realise something without a trigger? How is something possible to someone that didn't even realise it was a possibility? And if that connection is never made,  how can it ever be comprehended?