Work hard and play hard, but my work is play, so it's never really work... So just go hard at it!.
S. Phelps
Work hard and play hard, but my work is play, so it's never really work... So just go hard at it!.
S. Phelps
We all seem to talk about the inflation of money, it costs more for the same thing as time goes on, but no one talks about the inflation of time, the cost of my time verses what I get. Why is this not factored into modern calculations and transactions?
The Hierophant: A priest in ancient Greece who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles.
The seeker, having created a solid foundation, is struck with a sudden fear. What if everything he’s worked for is taken away, stolen, lost, destroyed or vanishes?
In a panic he heads to find the Hierophant and receive his teachings.
He tells the Hierophant his fears and asks how he can be free of them.
“There are only two ways”, says the Hierophant:
“Either give up that, which you fear to lose, so it no longer holds any power over you”, or
“Consider what you will still have if your fear comes to pass.”
“After all,” the Hierophant continues, “if you did lose all you’d built, you would still keep the experience and knowledge that you’ve gained up to this point, wouldn’t you?”
Arranged marriages aren't good right!? Marry for love, isn't that the only true way?
Is it?
I'm a middle class white male in the western world and you are only with someone because you love them right? Right?
Is Tinder the new arranged marriage? But instead of parents or culture or class or society choosing for you, you are choosing out of a lineup. Free will, hardly like arranged marriage right? Right? But is it still like an arranged marriage when you kind of fall into relationships because you want to be with someone... Do you love love more than loving that person? Do you really know that person? You date on a premise - I'm wanting a relationship - I have another 10 prospects in the waiting room - it used to be like fishing, you take your time, you fish in a certain way in a certain place at a certain time, and when you catch that right fish, you're so excited, it's got all your attention and energy, nothing else matters... Tinder is like fishing with a net... See what crap you scoop up and dump it all to go again... It's not a hobby like fishing is, it's now a job, a commodity, a slave to a system, a treadmill... Is dating really about love? Or desperation, fulfilling a feeling, a hole...
So many you don't love them - they just give you what you 'need'
A simple summary of tasks doesn't make tasks simple.
S Phelps
Be OK saying yes when you don't feel worthy, and no when it's not worth it.
S Phelps