This post is dictated not typed I think I've stumbled across an explanation as to why maybe all the people a traditional conservative and younger people are contrition traditionally more liberal. Is it that all the people have a little more to lose because I've already worked very hard across the life and the idea of changing things mean that they stand to lose a bit more than someone who was younger but doesn't stand to lose much but stands to gain a lot. I think I've just thought of another level that drills down even further and maybe conservative is a bit more are traditional natural selection you should do it on your own it's up to you don't rely on other people as much for don't expect things from other people you just get in and do whatever it is that you want or need to do and the government should allow you to be able to do that while traditionally a Liberal or more left wing is hey let's help out other people that need a bit more assistance let's do things for people that they may struggle to do themselves and so on and so forth so is it possible that being older means in theory you're a little more secure in yourself you little more sure of your position in the world and life but are you younger person is still finding their way defeat still finding their voice and their identity so does that mean all the people are more about them as an individual while younger people are more about the greater good because we know in studies that when we're in times of trouble of crisis we don't push away other people were actually draw more people in we need other people to survive in an indie to thrive so maybe there's a reason why young people prefer looking after everyone because that's how they're thinking at the moment that's how they're inclined and that's their way of feeling secure or and surviving lol someone else is a bit older may not need that kind of reassurance in just go there I'll do it on my own I'm fine how are you and you should be as well so is that possible? Is that a interesting perspective on my baby all the people of more conservative and younger people are more liberal? It's just a theory.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Mental health score!
This is spoken not typed Justice any errors I apologize. What if we are able to have mental health as a scale of 1 to 10 just like a normal sickness so if you just use normal health you asked you rate yourself between 1-10 1 being I can't go to work I can't really live life because my health is preventing me from doing so and 10 is is perfect you're shooting a hand life's great everything so amazing so what if we did that same scale for mental health at 9:59 one not being able to work or function can be amazing wouldn't that help us come to a point where were categorising mental health most you need physical health kinda why it saying well if my physical health this is 50 so my mental health as a 5 is that still affecting the outcome meaning that you can only half can't sleep life then get out of bed and go to work and things like that so just like a physical problem or problems that you might have the mental health is for the lack of mental health is preventing you from doing the same kinds of things when you put the two together like that it takes away that vagueness of the mental health take the lack of understanding
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
So life gets in the way, the sacrifice of money, careers, relationships, advancement cut into the quiet times, the peace, the dwelling and contemplation... Are we happy with our choice? Did we really make a choice, or life just is?