Tuesday, 26 September 2023

What's stopping growth?

What change is painful and what change isn't painful?

What does a father offer?

Just a hypothesis; father's bring bravery and apathy to situations that many mother's wouldn't in similar situations. What if high anxiety and depression is imprinted - in part - because mother's reactions (by accident or design) taught the child that the world is always an unsafe place. That 'second influence' allows many things to shift from "this is bad" to "this is just inconvenient" thus remodeling the world for children to be more at peace with life's obstacles.

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Is it worth being frustrated?

Commitment gets us through the frustration, and frustration is the partner of learning.

"it shouldn't be this hard"

If the easy thing worked, you would have done it already.

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

This is what happens when you worry in the creativity world.

While you keep your head down and look at the map. I keep my head up and navigate with the stars.

Caring automation

You can't streamline caring.

You can only streamline the actions that might help caring but only after much time caring without trying to streamline.

Friday, 15 September 2023

Managers fiddling? Stop.

What bad side  effect would happen if we left it as it?

Little changes? Politely push back

 What makes this important?

Ask that

If they're talented and experienced they'll have an answer, if they're chasing a feeling, they won't be able to.

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Nevermind what you give


What women can give to men is how they receive.

Stop "educating".

Everyone is so focused on "learning" and "education" but nobody takes about "practice". They're either doing for real or not at all. Yet most learning and education comes from the "doing without downside" safe reversible consequences.

Sunday, 3 September 2023

Having doubts about your partner?

Think you're too good for your partner. That night be true but it's not helpful. Leave and see what happens or instead of thinking "I can do better" perhaps ask "how can I make this better?"

A twist on happiness...

Wealth doesn’t change you, it just changes everyone around you.

Better possessions don't change you, they change people around you.

More status doesn't change you, just changes how people treat you.

People want you to do well, but not better than them.

Friday, 1 September 2023

Avoid feeling confused?

 If you're not a little bit confused, you're not thinking about it.

Some issues aren't very simple.